My kids found thousands of Mountain Yellow-Legged Frogs which they eagerly collected. 

They were a bit bummed when I made them turn them loose. These frogs along with an abundance of terrestrials (including thousands of dragon flies) provide ample food for the salmonids of this natural, spring-fed alpine gem, namely chubby bows, brookies and a handful of browns.
Check out this massive Sphinx Moth Caterpillar, probably about ready to pupate. It's the size of my ring finger...this is like a ribeye for trout!
Apparently there is a deal in the works with the California DFG to make this a catch and release lake next year, but its not a sure thing yet. That would be great news, it could be a great little fishery if it were managed better. While we were in the area, we took a short hike down to Webber Falls on the Little Truckee. 
Lake of the Woods is fun place but it seems things have changed there.Rainbows?Used to be nothing but browns. Campground host? That's a new addition as well.I haven't been there in a few years...
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