You know, the androgynous SNL character, well, I caught the fish equivalent today. Can't really tell species or sex, looks like an asexual cutty? Water is in good shape, its cold and flows are still relatively high for this time of year. Lots of mayflies and tons of caddis coming off. I had one nice fish come unbuttoned and popped a bunch of small rainbows and three chunky whitefish. Saw some nice fish rising in the fast water for caddis. Browns should be staging right now for their annual ritual. Its beautiful this time of year, so get out there!
News Flash: Though he doesn't want me to post the pic, I have a photo of a 12lb brown just landed on a fly rod in the Truckee Region, its a true trophy at 31.5". He doesn't want to draw undue attention to the area, so I'll respect his wishes, but I can tell you this, it didn't come from the Truckee. I can also tell you I had something similar hooked at the same location in June of last year...it was the biggest brown of my life and after about 10 minutes, it threw my barbless streamer as it made a crazy jump right at the surface!
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