Had the best time, by myself, just me and the LCT. 52 degree water, light winds, partly cloudy and I'm the only sole on the lake, don't get much better. Oh, and I snapped a couple of 20 something LCT, one skinny, one thick, both were post spawners (These LCT are alternate year spawners). No crazy observations, just peace, relaxation, and oh yeah, a well deserved day off work. There is so much more I wish I could tell you about this place, but I've taken a vow of secrecy, if you want to know about it, get up there yourself!
Remember, get there just before or at sun up, the row your ass off to the inlet. If you make it there before the wind picks up, you'll have a good day, otherwise, it will be short, the winds are vicious!
If you get to Indy on a calm morn, and on the water by 8, you can get in on some dry action. Midges are the usual fare, but today, Calibetis and an unusual entry...termites, not ants, termites were all over the water, and fish ate them readily, likely some white fish and brookies, but some of the fins coming out of the water were fish over 18".

Did you have to rent one of their boats? I heard they were only allowing so many boats on the water and they had to be one of theirs? New regs for camping too?
I posted about the new regs in an earlier post, you can look for it on my site. Yes, I used one of their boats, a Dave Scadden Rampage, not the best boat for lake fishing but I suppose it go the job done. They didn't end up charging fees this year, but they do ask for donations. Regarding the campsites, a member of FOIL (Friends of Independence Lake) put the brakes on that this year, so they didn't do it, but they're going to try again next year.
So much for serenity! What ever happened to "don't talk about fight club"?
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