Yesterday conditions were just about perfect for this time of year. Tons of BWO's and Skwala's hatching, and a stiff breeze knocked enough adults into the water that we saw a few fish smashing bugs on top. Flows on the NV side
Fish seem to be keying into either BWO's or Skwala's, depending on where you go. Some sections of water still don't have many Skwala's hatching yet; in those sections, BWO's are on the top of the menu. Fish can be found in slightly faster water than last month due to the warmer temps.
Today we ran into the Western Regional Qualifier for the US Fly Fishing Team. This particular day of the event, 30 anglers were on various beats of the river throughout Reno trying to tally the most centimeters in a day. A few highlights:
Post mortem update: I got the real skinny from the guy in charge of the competition, the angler mentioned above who caught 11 fish...apparently the official count was 10 fish averaging 20" each, still an amazing haul!
How was Sunday? Almost made the trek up from the foothills, but the clouds, rain and wind scared me off.
Didn't fish today, but did fish Friday and Saturday, with 4 hook ups each day.
How have cloudy/rainy day been? Looks like were in store for a few...
Overcast days can be awesome with the BWO hatch on the river, rain doesn't hurt either other than it clouds the water, but fish still feed. If the storm is real nasty, it might be worth trying Pyramid.
The rainbows you were catching right above booth street are in the middle of their spawn. If a trout experiences stress during their spawn, it can kill the fish or prevent it from finishing its spawn. To all fellow fly anglers, if you care for the population of the fish in your local rivers don't fish for fish off their redds (spawning beds). The rainbow spawn will continue till the end of march, be careful while wading in tail outs or slow moving pebble bottomed areas of the river.
First, it was a single trout, the others were no where near Booth. You can tell when a fish is on its spawn, it goes from a silver fish with a light pinkish hues to a red side, the picture is pretty indicative of a non-spawner, very mild coloration. If fish started spawning in the Truckee in 5' deep runs over big rocks (instead of gravel), I apologize for casting to spawners, because that's where this one was hooked. Lastly, it was not sight fished, as you'd expect for someone casting at redds. Trout Slayer, I don't cast to redds, I just spent 30 minutes today at lunch watching fish on redds at Strawberry Bridge (if you know where that is) just to watch them, I'd never cast to them. I hope that sets the record straight.
I definitely agree with you Ryan. It doesn't look like spawning grounds to me. The RB at Booth bridge looks more like a spawned out hen to me. Your videos are great keep up the good work. I see you are hitting some of the same sections that I fish. Maybe I will bump into you some day. Looks like the Truckee is going to blow out with this latest storm. I wonder what that will do to all the redds and spawning fish? Later. Waylon
Thanks Waylon, I got pretty T'ed with the prior comment, especially since out of my last 10 fishing posts, 2 were dedicated to either educating folks on redds or telling them to stay off redds on the Little Truckee. Regarding the storm, the fish will make do, they always do, I'm thinking about hitting up Pyramid with this new storm coming in. Hopefully we'll meet on the river one day. Best.
"trout slayer" look for Matt Herons big fall brown trout video on vimeo. It should give you a better idea of what you are actually acusing Ryan of. There is a BIG difference between fishing during the spawn, and fishing OVER it. Go back a few posts and its pretty clear that TheFlySyndicate is concious of these things.
With that said, Mad respect Ryan. Your posts really make me want a nevada license.
Aaron, thanks for the kind words!
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